Course curriculum

  • 1

    Day 1

    • Square of Numbers ending with 5

    • Quiz On Square For Numbers Ending With 5

    • Flash Card Square For Numbers Ending With 5

    • Algebraic proof of Technique 1

    • Square of Two Digit Number Starting with 5

    • Quiz on Square of Two Digit Number Starting with 5

    • Flash Card Square of any two digit numbers

    • Square of any two digit numbers

    • Quiz on Square of any two digit numbers

    • Flash Card Square of any two digit numbers


  • 2

    Day 2

    • Multiplications : Digits in unit places are adding to 10 and other digits are same.

    • Digits in unit places are adding to 10 and other digits are same

    • Quiz on Digits in unit places are adding to 10 and other digits are same

    • Multiplications : Digits in unit places are same and 10th place digits adding to 10.

    • Digits in unit places are same and 10th place digits adding to 10

    • Quiz on Digits in unit places are same and 10th place digits adding to 10

    • Multiplying any two numbers between 11- 19

    • Multiplying any two numbers between 11-19

    • Quiz on Multiplying any two numbers between 11-19

    • Multiplying numbers with 11

    • Multiplying numbers with 11

    • Quiz on Multiplying numbers with 11

    • Multiplying numbers with series of 1

    • Multiplying numbers with series of 1.

    • Quiz on Multiplying numbers with series of 1

  • 3

    Day 3

    • Multiplying 9 to any number having consecutive digits

    • multiplying 9 to any number having consecutive digits

    • Quiz on Multiplying 9 to any number having consecutive digits

    • Multiplying any number with series of 9 where equal or less digits are there on the other side.

    • Multiplying any number with series of 9 where equal or less digits are there on the other side

    • Quiz on Multiplying any number with series of 9 where equal or less digits are there on the other side

    • Multiplying any number with series of 9 where more digits are on the other side

    • Multiplying any number with series of 9 where more digits are on the other side

    • Quiz on Multiplying any number with series of 9 where more digits are on the other side

    • Criss-Cross Technique - Multiplying any 2 digit numbers

    • Criss-Cross Technique - Multiplying any 2 digit numbers

    • Quiz on Criss-cross Technique -Multiplying any 2 digit numbers

    • Criss - Cross Technique - Multiplying any two 3 - digit numbers

    • Criss-Cross Technique - Multiplying any two 3 - digit numbers

    • Quiz on Criss-cross Technique - Multiplying any two 3-digit numbers

  • 4

    Day 4

    • Square of 3-digit numbers

    • Square of 3 - digit numbers

    • Quiz on Square of 3-digit numbers

    • Square of 4 digit numbers

    • Square of 4 - digit numbers

    • Quiz on Square of 4 - digit numbers

    • Cube of any 2-digit numbers

    • Cube of any 2 - digit numbers

    • Quiz on cube any 2 - digit number

  • 5

    Day 5

    • Base multiplication of numbers near the base 100, 200 etc..( 2 digit base multiplication)

    • Base multiplication of numbers near the base 100, 200 etc...( 2 digit base multiplication)

    • Quiz on Base multiplication of numbers near the base 100, 200 etc..( 2 digit base multiplication)

    • Base multiplication of numbers near the base 1000, 2000 etc..(3 digit base multiplication)

    • Base multiplication of numbers near the base 1000, 2000 etc...( 3 digit base multiplication)

    • Quiz on Base multiplication of numbers near the base 1000, 2000 etc..( 3 digit base multiplication)

    • Base multiplication of numbers near 10 base(70 base multiplication)

    • Base multiplication of numbers near 10 base( 70 base multiplication)

    • Quiz on Base multiplication of numbers near 10 base(70 base multiplication)

    • Base multiplication of 3 numbers near the base

    • Base multiplication of 3 numbers near the base

    • Quiz on Base multiplication of 3 numbers near the base

    • Multiplying numbers near different bases

    • Multiplying numbers near different bases

    • Quiz on Multiplying numbers near different bases

    • Algebraic proof of Base method of multiplication

    • Extending table

    • Extending Table

    • Quiz on Extending table

    • Doubling

    • Doubling

    • Quiz on doubling

    • Doubling 3 digit numbers

    • Doubling 3 digit numbers

    • Quiz on Doubling 3 digit numbers

    • Multiplying with 5, 25 and 50

    • Multiplying with 5, 25 and 50

    • Quiz on Multiplying with 5, 25 and 50

    • Halving

    • Halving

    • Quiz on Halving

    • Halving and Doubling together

    • Halving and Doubling together

    • Quiz on Halving and Doubling together

  • 6

    Day 6

    • Cube root of a perfect cube

    • Cube root of a perfect cube

    • Quiz on cube root of a perfect cube

    • Square root of a perfect Square

    • Square root of a perfect square

    • Quiz on Square root of a perfect Square

    • Square root of an imperfect square

    • Square root of an imperfect square

    • Quiz on Square root of an imperfect Square

  • 7

    Day 7

    • Quick division by 9

    • Quick division by 9

    • Quiz on Quick division by 9

    • Base method of Division

    • Base method of division

    • Quiz on Base method of Division

    • Base method division with 2,3 or more digits in Divisor ( but lesser than base)

    • Base method division with 2,3 or more digits in divisor( but lesser than base)

    • Quiz on Base method division with 2,3 or more digits in divisor( but lesser than base)

    • Base method Division with 2,3 or more digits in Divisor (but grater than base)

    • Base method division with 2,3 or more digits in divisor( but greater than base)

    • Quiz on Base method division with 2,3 or more digits in Divisor( but greater than base)

  • 8

    Day 8

    • One line division - Up to 2 digit divisor

    • One line division - Up to 2 digit divisor

    • Quiz on One line division - Up to 2 digit divisor

    • One line division - 3 or more digits

    • One line division - 3 or more digits

    • Quiz on One line division - 3 or more digits

    • Digit Sum

    • Digit sum

    • Quiz on Digit sum

    • Circle of 9

    • Circle of 9

    • Quiz on Circle of 9

    • Fun with 9 point circle

    • Fun with 9 point ircle

    • Quiz on Fun with 9 point circle

    • Digit sum group adding to 9

    • Digit sum group adding to 9

    • Quiz on Digit sum group adding to 9

    • Digit sum checking

    • Digit sum checking

    • Quiz on Digit sum checking

    • Divisibility Checking

    • Divisibility checking

    • Quiz on Divisibility checking

  • 9

    Day 9

    • Deficiency from 10. Deficiency & completion together

    • Deficiencies from 10

    • Quiz on Deficiency from 10

    • Mental Additions

    • Mental Additions

    • Quiz on Mental Additions

    • Mental addition by column

    • Mental Addition by column

    • Quiz on Mental Addition by Column

    • Addition and subtraction both together

    • Addition and subtraction both together

    • Quiz on Addition and subtraction both together

    • Quick addition of series of single digit numbers

    • Quick addition of series of single digit numbers

    • Quiz on Quick Addition of series of single digit numbers

    • Fast additions subtraction in a line

    • Fast addition or subtraction in a line

    • Quiz on Fast additions or subtraction in a line

    • Percentage Reciprocal

    • Percentage Reciprocal

    • Quiz on Percentage Recciprocal

    • Percentage compounding

    • Percentage Compounding

    • Quiz on percentage compounding

  • 10

    Day 10

    • General equations

    • General Equations

    • Quiz on General Equations

    • Factorization

    • Factorization

    • Quiz on Factorization

    • simultaneous eqautions

    • Simultaneous Equation Flash card

    • Quiz on Simultaneous Equations