Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Exercises of Practical Life

    • EPL Introduction Part 1

    • EPL Introduction Part 2

    • EPL Introduction Part 3

    • EPL Introduction Part 4

    • EPL Introduction Part 5

  • 2

    EPL Presentations

    • How to roll & unroll a Mat?

    • How to open & close Small button frame?

    • How to put down Jug?

    • How to fold & unfold napkin along the Medial?

    • How to Greet?

    • How to sneeze & cough?

    • How to carry Sharp objects?

    • Pouring grains & Pouring liquid

    • How to wash hands?

  • 3

    EPL Presentations Contd.

    • How to Open & Close Coat Button Frame?

    • How to Open & Close Ribbon Frame?

    • Walking on a Line?

    • How to Open & Close Buckle Frame?

    • How to fold & unfold napkin along the Diagonals?

    • How to Offer a Glass of Water?

    • How to Tie Lace Frame V Pattern?

    • How to Tie Lace Frame X Pattern?

  • 4

    Sensorial Introduction & Presentations

    • Sensorial Intro Part 1

    • Sensorial Intro Part 2

    • Cylinder Blocks

    • Pink Tower

    • Brown Stairs

    • Long Stairs or Red Rods

    • Color Tablets

    • Touch Board

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    Sensorial Presentations Contd.

    • Noise Boxes

    • Geometrical Cabinets

    • Tactile Materials - Fabrics

    • Colored Cylinders

    • Binomial Cube

    • Constructive triangles

    • Geometrical Solids

    • Stereognostic Bags

    • Smell Bottles

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    Sensorial Presentations (Contd.)

    • Gustatory Activity

    • Geometrical Cards

    • Trinomial Cube

    • Decanomial Square

    • Thermic Slab

    • Special Name Lessons

    • Comparitive Degree

    • Superlative Degree